Visit to a Gun Store
A new friend on the docks told me of a gun store that has to be seen if I was down that way. I have a fondness for quality fire arms that goes way back, maybe to Roy Rogers or the Lone Ranger or Have Gun Will Travel or Well you know if you were around during those times. Before President Kennedy was killed you could go to the big Army-Navy Surplus stores in Atlanta and they had left over WW2 and Korean war relics in piles. I recall a pile of rifles and my dad saying pick one when I was about 12 or so. He did not want me roaming the woods with out a fire arm. We came home with a WW2 rifle and a big box of ammo for $12.00. Later when I was 14 he gave me his Colt Woodsman 22 made in 1934. I still have it. I carried that Colt Woodsman every where except school, and then it was in my car when I was old enough to drive. I shot hundreds of squirrels and rabbits with it. As most of us at that time we were very sad and shocked when JFK was slain. I felt something should be done and joined ...