2001 Mainship 30 Pilot, Steps to operate

/ Steps to operate 2001 Mainship 30 1. Open seacock for the main engine and watch for water flow after starting. Pull the black ball to open the seacock on the strainer for mains. Shut down immediately if no water flows out telltale. 2. Open the main fuel valve on Port topside of the tank for main engine fuel flow to yellow switch valve, open black valve, and close the two primer valves to run main. Genset fuel cut is on the Starboard topside of tank with a separate filter system. Fuel system allows the operator to select the filter and prime without stopping if offshore 3. In-cabin, Remove steps, turn on bilge light and switch open valves for seacocks to feed seawater to Air Conditioner and Generator. Do not open "Flush Valves" to run AC or Genny. Seacocks for AC and Genny are shown open. Close after use! Light switch on galley panel. 4. If the head is to be used open seacock for the head, Macerator seacock is closed! Breaker for electric head an...