Trip to Savannah and back to Homeport Jekyll Island
Sunset @ Jekyll Island Harbor Marina where The Office is based. Chart location,-81.20084224700928&z=15 We left our slip at Jekyll Island Marina on Sunday morning with the tide at mid way to high. We decided to try 1400 rpms on the twin Volvo diesels to see what our fuel consumption will be. We had cruised the boat down from Savannah when we bought it on fuel that was reported to be over 5 years old. Capt. Frank Barron, of advised us to add Cetane booster and we had no problems. A change of Racor filters reveled no bad deposits so we wanted to burn up the old fuel before adding more. Some one hit the bridge guard? Passing ICW Marker Green 19 about 100 ft off the marker we saw 8-9 ft of water. Jekyll Wharf near Green 19 has boats on the mud at low tide. The ma...